In Conversation With God: Volume 3, Weeks 1-12 - Scepter Publishers

In Conversation With God: Volume 3, Weeks 1-12

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Fr. Francis makes generous use of the writings of the great saints as he brings you focused and moving meditations on themes taken from the Mass readings for that day, the liturgical season, and more.  This work is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime, as it helps you relate the particulars of the message of Christ to the ordinary circumstances of your day.  Each volume is small enough for you to carry it to Adoration or some other suitable place for meditation.

The author brings you a series of outstanding meditations that follows the Church's liturgical calendar. Each day's meditation is divided into three parts and is five or six pages long. The subjects relate to themes from the Mass readings for that day or the liturgical season. This work helps the reader deepen the message of Christ in the ordinary circumstances of the day.

First Week in Ordinary Time:

The Calling of the First Disciples
Children of God
Prayer and Apostolate
Sacramental Communion
Human Virtues and Apostolate
Getting on with all the people around us

Second Week in Ordinary Time:

The Lamb of God
Purity and the Christian Life
The First Miracle of Jesus
The Holiness of the Church
Dignity of the Person
Practicing the Faith in Ordinary Time
Giving Good Doctrine
A Vocation to Holiness

Third Week in Ordinary Time:

Light in Darkness
Detachment to follow Christ
Doctrinal Formation
Justice in our speech and in our Judgments
The Will of God
Sowing and Reaping
Growth in Interior Life
Fidelity to Grace
Fraternal Correction

Fourth Week in Ordinary Time:

The Way of the Beatitudes
The Slavery of Sin
The Virtue of Charity
Detachment and the Christian Life
Spiritual Communions
Doing our Work well
The Sick: God's favored Children
Fortitude in Ordinary Life
The need to sanctify our rest

Fifth Week in Ordinary Time:

The Light of our Good Example
Spreading the Truth
Faith and Obedience in the Apostolate
Living in Society
The Fourth Commandment
The Dignity of Work
Humility and Perseverance in Prayer
He did all things well
Mother of Mercy

Sixth Week in Ordinary Time:

Steadfast in the Faith
The Leprosy of Sin
Personal Humility and Trust in God
The Sacrifice of Abel
The Redemptive Mission of the Church
With Clear Sight
The Mass: Center of the Christian Life
Resolutions from the Prayer

Seventh Week in Ordinary Time:

Treat everyone well
Helping to do Good
Ask for more Faith
The Lord, King of Kings
Unity and Variety in the Church's apostolate
Getting to Heaven
Defending the Family
With the Simplicity of Children

Eighth Week in Ordinary Time:

Today's task
God's love for men
Triumph over death
The Rich Young Man
Generosity and Detachment
Learning to Serve
The Faith of Bartimaeus
Love means deeds: Apostolate
The Right and the Duty to do Apostolate

Ninth Week in Ordinary Time:

Built upon Rock
Sundays and Holydays of Obligation
Devotion to the Saints
The cornerstone
Being exemplary Citizens
We will rise again with our own bodies
The First Commandment
The Guardian Angel
The Value of Little Things

Tenth Week in Ordinary Time:

The Virtue of Hope
The Roots of Evil
Our response to sorrow and need
The Divine Mercy
Salt that has lost its Savior
Actual Graces
Reasons for Penance
Purity of Heart
Keeping one's word

Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time:

The most effective way
The Mustard Seed
Contrition for Sin
Life of Grace
Holiness in the Word
Mental Prayer
Vocal Prayers
Where is your heart?
Everything works out well

Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time:

Do not be afraid
Calmness in the face of difficulties
The Love and Fear of God
The Speck in our Brother's eye
The narrow path
You will know them by their Fruits
The Fruits of the Mass
The Virtue of Faithfulness
Mary, Co-redemptrix with Christ


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