Vocations & the Universal Call to Holiness  (HC)

Vocations & the Universal Call to Holiness (HC)

  • $48.93

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In Baptism, God calls each of us to holiness on earth and to eternal life with him in heaven. This text examines the universal call to holiness and its importance in the Christian life. It also analyzes the unique plan that God has for every person in the in the vocations to Marriage, Holy Orders, the consecrated life, or the committed single life. Finally, it explains how each person can prayerfully discern the will of God in his or her own life. This book, Vocations and the Universal Call to Holiness, corresponds to Elective D: Responding to the Call of Jesus Christ in the curriculum framework. This textbook is published with ecclesiastical approval from the Archdiocese of Chicago, and it has been submitted for review for conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church to the USCCB Subcommittee on the Catechism.

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