The Navarre Bible - Psalms & Song of Solomon - Scepter Publishers

The Navarre Bible - Psalms & Song of Solomon (HC)

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Psalms is essentially a book of prayers and Praises; most of the psalms are addressed to God, but here we also find proclamations of the works of the Lord, descriptions of man's light, curses invoked on enemies, songs in praise of the King or of the city of Jerusalem, and exhortations to the good life. The Psalms date back as early as the time of the great King David, but they are so evocative of the human condition that they articulate the feelings and desires of people in every age. Also included here is the Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs; a blending of love songs, it also celebrates the mutual love between God and the human individual, and between God and his People.

Like the other volumes in the Standard Edition of the Navarre Bible, prepared by Navarre University’s theology faculty, this book contains the full biblical text in the Revised Standard Version and the New Vulgate together with extensive commentaries. The commentaries, or notes, help to explain the doctrinal and practical meaning of the scriptural text, drawing on a rich variety of sources, Church documents, the exegesis of Fathers and Doctors, and the works of prominent spiritual writers, particularly St Josemariá Escrivá, who initiated the Navarre Bible project.

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