In RELIGIOUS CUSTOMS IN THE FAMILY, Fr. Weiser draws upon his memorable experiences as a little boy in Catholic Europe, as well as on his great knowledge of religious customs, to guide mothers and fathers in giving their homes a truly Catholic spirit. Such a home will profoundly help children to live and to grow in God’s grace. On the other hand, if the family members are not in tune with their beautiful Catholic traditions, they undoubtedly will live according to the ways of the secular world, largely unmindful of God and of their eternal destiny. Among the fascinating topics which Fr. Weiser covers briefly, but with his own sure touch, are: • Family Prayer• Blessing of Children• Baptismal Names• Name-Days• Holy Water• Advent Customs• Proper Observance of the Weeks Before Christmas• St. Nicholas• Christmas Customs• The Problem with Santa Claus• Lenten Customs• Easter Customs• All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day, Halloween• Feasts of Our Lady• Spiritual Approach to Baptism, Matrimony and the Other SacramentsFilled with surprising revelations, RELGIOUS CUSTOMS IN THE FAMILY is an essential book every Catholic family should own and use, for it describes a way of Catholic family life that is a crucial element to passing on the Faith to one’s children This book can well make the difference between a family’s being only Sunday-morning Catholics—or truly Catholic people who are oriented toward Heaven every day of their lives.