The profound meaning of Our Lord’s words and actions remains hidden to most of us, but it will not be hidden after a reading of Our Saviour and His Love for Us. Here the eminent Thomist Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange—probably the 20th century’s greatest theologian—probes the meaning of 32 different topics relating to Our Lord and how they all show His love for us. Written for all to understand, the purpose of this book is “to enlighten interior souls desirous of becoming more closely united to the Saviour.” (Preface). The author readily acknowledges that theology well done leads back to and enlightens faith, from whence it springs, and he has provided in this book a sound and intelligible theological base for an analysis of Our Saviour’s interior life and its often hidden meanings for our own interior life. For, as the author points out so well, Our Saviour’s interior life is actually the best model for our own. Each chapter of this book is a marvelous, self-contained essay that could easily stand alone . . . and that could become a beautiful booklet by itself. The author includes such subjects as The Motive of the Incarnation, The Sanctity of Jesus, The Human Will of Our Saviour, Jesus’ Humility and Magnanimity, The Priesthood of Christ, Christ’s Victory over Death, Christ’s Interior Oblation, Our Participation in His Mysteries, The Infinite Value of each Mass, and so forth—the last of which is alone worth the price of the entire book!Basing his explanations on Scripture, the liturgy and the lives of the Saints and mystics, the author models this book on St. Thomas’ Treatise on the Incarnation. No one reading this magnificent book will fail to be surprised, enlightened and inspired by the probing light of Garrigou-Lagrange’s analysis of the life and work of Our Saviour and how they relate to us and show His love for us. For most people, this profound and edifying book will be an absolute revelation about Our Lord and will instill in all a grand appreciation for Our Saviour and His love for us.