Home Again - Scepter Publishers

Home Again

  • $25.13

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Behold, I make all things new.

Revelation 21:5 

It does us all good to refresh, renew, and rediscover what it means to be human, to be a child of God. In Home Again by Fr. John Henry Hanson, he desires to lead you “home” through a prayerful revitalization of your faith in God’s plan for you—your story—by recalling its incredible beauty and depth. He reminds you that your identity as a Christian is strengthened through the sacraments—gifts of the Church that accompany and enrich you through life. 

“Change without grace, renovation without interior renewal, is spiritually worthless. The thing remodeled, so to speak, remains what it always was. The most important kind of regeneration isn’t outward or skin-deep but takes places in the hidden depths of the soul.” 

Allow yourself to be reminded that God is a lover whose very desires for you will lead you directly to fulfillment and everlasting joy. The author hopes for you to live the resounding cry:

“My story must flow from him, and return to him.” 

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