Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz of Landazuri - Scepter Publishers

Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landazuri

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By Mercedes Eguibar Galarza

A biography about Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landazuri. Guadalupe was one of the first women in Opus Dei. She obtained a Chemistry degreein 1939 after the Spanish Civil War. She later met St. Josemaria and joined Opus Dei. 

Her Desire to love God was the driving force behind everything she did and overflowed through her love for others and her contagious cheerfulness.

This biography gives a glimpse of the most important aspects and characteristics of this pioneering woman.

Mercedes Equíbar Galarza was born in Gijón, Spain. She was the Deputy Editor of Telvamagazine and Director of the SIENA Company. Mercedes spent two years researching the person and life of Guadalupe. She interviewed two hundred people and worked in the Archives of the Prelature of Opus Dei in Rome.

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