Bible History

Bible History

  • $40.53

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This is a reprint of Beziger’s famous Old and New Testament Bible History, containing the story of Creation, The Fall of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, The great Flood, Noe’s Ark, Life after the Flood, Abraham-Isaac-Jacob, the journey into Egypt, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, the 10 Commandments, establishment of the Israelite religion, the 40 years in the desert, Josue and the conquering of Chanaan, Gedeon, Samson, Samuel, Ruth, Saul, David, Solomon,Elias the prophet, Achab and Jezabel, Esther, Tobias, Job, Judith, the Prophets, the Babylonian Captivity, the Return to Juda, Cyrus, Esdras and Nehemias, Alexander the Great, life under the Greeks, the Machabees, etc. The New Testament portion of this book covers the coming of Christ, His infancy, Public Life, teachings, miracles, Apostles, founding of the Church, Passion-Death-Resurrection, commissioning of the Apostles, Ascension into Heaven, The Descent of the Holy Ghost, etc. Salient about the New Testament treatment are the powerful quotes from Our Lord’s own words—statements that can be memorized and that will stay with students for the rest of their lives. This is undoubtedly the best Bible History ever! It contains Study Questions for each chapter, 23 maps, 165 enthralling pictures (which alone are worth the price of the book),side notes on every page, a wonderful “Index and Pronouncing Vocabulary,” plus wording that 6th to 8th grade students can easily handle. This book will give the student an excellent basic understanding of Bible history that will remain with him always.

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