The Navarre Bible - NT Expanded Edition - Scepter Publishers

The Navarre Bible - NT Expanded Edition (HC)

  • $120.33

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This latest edition of the Navarre Bible includes extensive Catholic commentary for the entire New Testament all in one beautiful volume. It has wide-ranging general introductions, individual book introductions, a table of sources cited, maps, and informative notes. Compiled by the faculty of the University of Navarre, the commentaries draw on a huge variety of sources: Church documents, the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and the work of prominent spiritual writers. Scholarly yet readable, the Navarre Bible commentaries offer a comprehensive intellectual, historical, and spiritual survey of the riches of the New Testament. They are a wonderful aid in the prayerful reading of Scripture (Lectio Divina). 

This hardback edition is larger (7 x 10 inches) to accommodate much more extensive commentary than in the Compact Edition. The commentary is also new. It avoids repetition between the Synoptic Gospels and pays more attention to the sense of the text. The larger trim size and more ample margin allows for easier reading and note-taking.

This is the first edition of a Navarre New Testament with all of the following features:

  • commentary utilizing the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other recent Church documents including those of Pope Benedict XVI.
  • extensive New Testament commentary all in one volume; large-format
  • printed in two colors throughout (red and black)
  • with RSVCE (English) and New Vulgate (Latin) texts on the same page

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