Praying from the Depths of the Psalms - Scepter Publishers

Praying from the Depths of the Psalms

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The elemental human experience of the search for God’s presence amidst the hills and valleys of life is revealed within the Psalms. Turning each experience into a poetic, beautiful prayer is their genius. They are a gift to each heart desiring a deeper intimacy with God.

In his book, Fr. John Henry describes the Psalter as “the soul’s hymnal,” a place we can all go to as a source of shared realities. Fr. John Henry shows us that, within the Psalms and with the company of the saints, we are in good fellowship in life’s journey. Showing us how to pray them, and not just read them, he reveals an invaluable path of simplicity towards an unbroken unity with God—finding grace in all— amidst the joys and sorrows, tediums and varieties life has to offer.

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