In Conversation With God: Volume 2, Lent and Eastertide - Scepter Publishers

In Conversation With God: Volume 2, Lent and Eastertide

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Fr. Francis makes generous use of the writings of the great saints as he brings you focused and moving meditations on themes taken from the Mass readings for that day, the liturgical season, and more.  This work is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime, as it helps you relate the particulars of the message of Christ to the ordinary circumstances of your day.  Each volume is small enough for you to carry it to Adoration or some other suitable place for meditation.

The author brings you a series of outstanding meditations that follows the Church's liturgical calendar. Each day's meditation is divided into three parts and is five or six pages long. The subjects relate to themes from the Mass readings for that day or the liturgical season. In Conversation With God: Volume 2, Lent and Eastertide helps the reader deepen the message of Christ in the ordinary circumstances of the day. Follow this meditation all year long with our In Conversation With God: 7-Volume Set

Ash Wednesday:

Conversion and Penance
The Cross of each day
A Time for Penance
Saving what was lost

First Week of Lent:

The Temptations of Jesus
The existence of the Devil, and his activity
The help of the Guardian Angels
Confessing our sins
Prayer of petition
Lent - a time for penance
Called to holiness

Second Week of Lent:

From Tabor to Calvary
Conscience - the light of the soul
Humility and a spirit of Service
To drink of the Lord's chalice
Abhorrence of sin
Each of us is the prodigal son

Third Week of Lent:

The meaning of mortification
Docility and good dispositions for meeting Jesus
To pardon and forgive
The Virtues and spiritual growth
Sincerity and truthfulness
Love of God
The Pharisee and the Publican

Fourth Week of Lent:

Joy in the Cross
Personal prayer
Patient struggle against defects
Unity of Life
The Holy Mass and personal self-surrender
Seeing Christ in the sick and in illness
Making the doctrine of Jesus Christ known

Fifth Week of Lent:

A cry for justice
Go and sin no more
Contemplating Christ. Life of piety.
Co-redeemers with Christ
Meditation on the Passion
The Agony in the Garden
The arrest of Jesus

Holy Week:

Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Peter's denials
Before Pilate: Jesus Christ, the King
The Way to Calvary
The Lord's Last Supper
Jesus dies on the Cross
The Sepulcher of the Body of Jesus


Raised from the Dead
The Joy of the Resurrection
Jesus Christ lives forever
Letting ourselves be helped
Meeting Our Lord
Constancy in apostolate
Go out into the whole world

Second Week of Easter:

The faith of St. Thomas
The imagination
The first Christians. Unity.
Love with deeds
Doing good and resisting evil
Human means and Supernatural means
The Church will last until the end of time

Third Week of Easter:

The Lord's Day
Christian naturalness
Rectitude of intention
The fruits of difficulties
The Bread of Life
The Communion of Saints
The Particular Examination

Fourth Week of Easter:

The Good Shepherd. Love for the Pope.
Desiring holiness
The first Christians. Universality of the Faith.
Acts of Thanksgiving
Learning to forgive
Reading and meditation on the Gospel
The Virtue of Hope

Fifth Week of Easter:

The Virtue of Justice
We are the temples of God
My peace I give you
The vine and the branches
Offering our daily actions
The value of friendship
The Rosary

Sixth Week of Easter:

The Hope of Heaven
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
May, Month of Mary
Fruits in the apostolate
Jesus awaits us in Heaven
The Gift of Understanding
The Gift of Knowledge

Seventh Week of Easter:

The Gift of Wisdom
The Gift of Counsel
The Gift of Piety
The Gift of Fortitude
The Gift of Fear
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit and Mary
Pentecost: The Coming of the Holy Spirit

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